Friday, May 29, 2015

Sweet Home


Well, we got home Wednesday evening from our big road trip, and Kamil is such a trooper for all of that travel!  I don't know if he's done more than a 6-7 hour drive in one day, and he helped me drive the 10 hours to my parents AND another 6 hour drive three days later to Illinois to see my family.  Quite the whirlwind!

Like I wrote earlier, I was able to show Kamil my alma mater of Hillsdale College, and it was wonderful to see how the campus is doing.  We had lunch with an old professor and his wife, and also sat and chatted with another professor in the history department.  We also ran into an old friend who is now employed by the College, and it was neat to hear how her experience is as an alum now working there.  I also got reminded how old I am, by seeing a girl I knew when she was probably in middle school while I was a student there, who is now a sophomore working in the student bookstore. Crazy!

So, we also made our way to another alma mater of sorts by visiting my dad's hometown and showing Kamil the places I visited when I would spend part of the summer every year with my grandparents when I was younger.  Some things have obviously changed, but it's kind of nice to see the things that haven't.  And it's always fun hearing the old stories about the house my dad grew up in before his parents moved into his grandparents' house (which he got to help build since my grandfather was in construction).  There's also the funny story about a woman who accidentally drove her car into my grandparents' plumbing store downtown, and how my grandfather was a volunteer fireman because he was the only one who could get the firetruck into its garage. :)

Sadly, one place that holds a special place in my heart appears to be closing - Rockome Gardens (I know, it's a tad strange that a place known for being in the heart of Amish country and started by the Amish has its own website...).  We have photos of my grandparents there on a date before they were married, so it's sad to see it go.  I hope they're able to salvage some of the better parts of the property for posterity's sake.

We drove back to Michigan with my parents (stopped at this fun place!) and then the next day we started on back east.  We were able to spend a night in Pittsburgh visiting my dear friend and old roommate from college, who is currently expecting her first baby!
it was sunny, hence the squinting ;)

It was such a treat to stay at their cute little home and visit with them.  And now Kamil has a new video game "friend", haha.

It's great to be back here for a bit, although a little hard since we have another trip next week, and then we have to get in more serious packing mode for the move.  I feel like we're some kind of band on tour!  I'm trying to get some exercise back into the mix so I did Jazzercise yesterday and today, and it sufficiently kicked my butt ;)

So tonight Kamil gets to hang out with the guys for a celebratory/good-bye Ultimate Man Night and I have a quiet night alone.  Of course I'm not motivated now to do any of the things still staring me down to get done, but hopeful!

Hope you're staying cool wherever you are!



Friday, May 22, 2015

Alma maters

I got to show Kamil Hillsdale's campus this week, which was a lot of fun. We've been having a great time in the Midwest, which I'll write more about next week. Hang on to yer hats! ;)

Tonight we're staying in the booming metropolis of Tuscola, Illinois - my father's hometown. It'll be a fun weekend with family!

For now, here's a photo of Kamil in front of the iconic Central Hall:

Monday, May 18, 2015

married to the "mob"

okay well not really.  but now I am officially married to a doctor!  I'm so proud of Kamil for reaching this milestone and achieving such a terrific feat.  Onward!

It was a whirlwind weekend with both of our families in town.  Friday we put plans together and managed to get reservations for Saturday night at a pretty good restaurant for 11 people.  After Saturday morning's baccalaureate Mass, we had a quick lunch and then went out to one of our favorite wineries here and it was absolutely gorgeous.  The rain clouds appeared just as we were leaving, and we made it back to Arlington in time for Mass at St. Agnes.  We had to battle quite the downpour on our way to dinner, but luckily it dried up by the time we all had to go home that evening.

Yesterday's ceremony was pretty simple and short.  The speaker was t-e-r-r-i-b-l-e but at least Kamil got out of there with his diploma intact.  He returned the overpriced cap & gown and we are DONE with Georgetown forever!! (you can't see how big I'm smiling about that, but believe me, it's big)

Had a great party with family and friends, and by the time we were done we were completely pooped.  We thought we would get together with the remaining family for the evening but we were all collapsing in our respective beds so we called it a night.

So we took my parents to the airport this morning and had ironic good-bye's by saying "see you tomorrow."  Now we just have to pack things up to leave bright and early tomorrow for the Midwest!  I canNOT wait :)



Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Bureaucracy Blues

We woke up this morning ready to tackle all of the paperwork required for our new apartment.  It's exciting but a little stressful. Plus, our apartment is still a mess, which I'll need to tackle SOON since all of our family will descend this weekend.  It will be a fun but crazy week!

Any introverts out there?  My biggest wish for today is that Kamil would leave for a few hours so I can clean in peace.  I suppose I should be grateful that my husband can't go too long without kissing me, but I'm too stressed about the move!

The debate now?  Budget or U-haul?  U-haul is a little more expensive, and they aren't as close as Budget.  Kamil had the brilliant idea that we caravan a car + the moving truck when we move in June, and leave a car here for when we come back for the last weddings before I leave.  Too. Much. Coordination.  But I'm so grateful for his perspective!

It's supposed to hit 91-degrees today, so I'm reminded once again why I'm glad to move a little farther north.  Seriously, it's May.  And when you're raised in a state that doesn't really *do* spring, this heat this soon is a bit ridiculous.  I'm preparing my first homemade iced coffee of the season...

I want to end with a photo, since photos are fun.  We get to see our niece this weekend, and next month we celebrate her first birthday!  So, here's a photo from last summer when she was first born:

love you Hannah!



Monday, May 11, 2015


while visiting the volcano on Hawaii's big island on our honeymoon, October 2014

First blog post is a little intimidating, but here goes...

I've had blogs in the past, so why is this so hard?  Okay, just write and get something up here so I can figure out templates, etc.

My husband is speaking Polish to his Mama on the phone, after we just spent a week in Long Island getting things set up for our move next month.  He's lost a suit, so I'm praying to St. Anthony that it wasn't lost on a train during Kamil's several trips at the beginning of the year for his residency interviews.  I'm so glad THAT part of our first year of marriage is over!

For those who don't know, he "matched" at Stony Brook University near his parents pretty much smack dab in the middle of Long Island.  I'm sure someday when I'm plagued by writer's block I can tell y'all more about how the match process works, how I discovered that Long Island actually lives up to its name (who knew?), and that it's God's funny sense of humor bringing me full circle to live in the Empire State.  Another time, another time.

Right now, I've got to decide if I'll tackle the several unpacked items glaring at me (first up: the sheets we cleaned in the free washer/dryer at his parents...we do need a bed to sleep in tonight after all), and how exactly we're going to move all of our stuff from Virginia to New York and two cars.

Wish me luck!  And if you think of it, please pray to St. Tony for my husband!
